Attorney Gary Alderson and Capitol Police Save Man in Cardiac Arrest

Aubrey Washington, 64-year-old Wilmington resident had a seizure and went into cardiac arrest in the lobby of the New Castle County Courthouse on February 18th. Elzufon attorney Gary Alderson was behind him in the security line, while seven Capitol Police officers were in front.

The officers and Alderson got Washington into a wheelchair as he began suffering from another seizure and stopped breathing. The officers and Alderson (a registered nurse) took turns giving him CPR as one of the officers ran to the lower level of the courthouse and retrieved the defibrillator. Washington was resuscitated before the paramedics even arrived.

Alderson, who has taught CPR certification courses and is a volunteer firefighter called it a “textbook resuscitation.”

Washington said, “These guys are heroes in my book. If it hadn’t been for their training and a blessing from God, I wouldn’t be here.”

Washington joined Governor Jack Markell, Supreme Court Chief Justice Leo E. Strine Jr., and several other judges and state officials thanking Alderson and the officers during a ceremony at the courthouse February 25th.

For the full story, visit Delaware Online here