Randy J. Holland Delaware Workers’ Compensation American Inn of Court

In November 2013, the State of Delaware created a new American Inn of Court for Delaware Workers’ Compensation Practitioners.  Elzufon Austin & Mondell is honored to report that our Partner, Gary Baker, was the founding originator, along with Justice Randy Holland, formerly of Delaware’s Supreme Court, of this Inn of Court.  When formed, Delaware’s Workers’ Compensation Inn had the largest inaugural membership of any American Inn of Court in the entire Country/History of the American Inns of Court.

In addition to being the founder of the Inn of Court, Gary served as Vice President of the Inn from 2013 through 2016 and President of the Inn of Court from 2017 through 2018.

Partner Cassandra Roberts was a founding member of the Executive Committee of the Inn of Court and has served as the Administrator since the Inn’s inception.

Partner Andrew Carmine has served as the Chair of the Performance Committee of Delaware’s Workers’ Compensation Inn of Court since its inception and also currently serves as the Secretary/Treasurer of the Inn

Information regarding the Randy J. Holland Delaware Workers’ Compensation American Inn of Court can be found at https://inns.innsofcourt.org/for-members/inns/the-randy-j-holland-delaware-workers-compensation-american-inn-of-court.aspx